Thursday, September 23, 2010

Revealing Riches

The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own. --Benjamin Disraeli

I have been engaged by the idea of someone having unknown assets and riches while living in emotional, mental, or financial poverty. I have deemed it unrealized riches.

I made up that term so excuse me if it is yet to be documented :). But, I believe there is something to be said for the subject. Understanding what we have is critical in then deciding what we want and need.

To give an obvious example: There are those who are hungry but are within a mile of available food. If they lack the knowledge of the available foods existence, or lack knowledge in how to get there, they still hunger even in the presence of available food. I know in my own life, I often lose site of the most valuable things surrounding me in pursuit of the things I wish I had or even need currently in my life. It's a classic scenario with a classic moral yet it seems under practiced and not as politically correct to discuss anymore. To be grateful for what you have can affect what more you are able to receive.
Let me be very clear that I'm not saying the ungratefulness for what you have leads to poverty or continued poverty. NO THAT'S NOT TRUE. But, let me also say that a grateful heart can change the way you view your circumstance and your future. The Care Strategy understands that and addresses that.

I have seen the UN dropping food into crisis situations around the world via helicopter. The team of men in the back of the helicopter have a palate of food and they drop it from about 100 feet or so to the people. As you can imagine in such desperate situations this is often for safety of the men in the helicopter. But that idea does not promote hope or shows resource and that's all. The Care Strategy's goal is not just to drop resources and run but instead to go into desperate situations and provide hope in the form of not only resources but to help show our friends what value already lies in and around them. To show them how to find hope and resource in any situation.

On a practical note: Rockford First (through generous partnerships in our community) was recently able to open up a local Mini Putt-, Go Cart-, Laser Tag-type fun park to members of our congregation, free of charge, who had walked through hard times over this past year. The response was mind-blowing. So many stories and so many amazing people. The point of the evening was to promote strength in the family amidst hard times. It went better than any of us could have dreamed. It was a moment we were not only able to partner with families through rough patches in life, but where we were able to reveal some hidden riches in their life. Family is often overlooked when the going gets tough; it's in my nature and in many
others I would assume. But, to realize what a resource the strength of a family can be was awesome to see. I am continually amazed by this effort and by the change taking place through it! Search for the good today even in the midst of the tough and trying times. I believe you will find riches you didn't realize you had. :)

Love to you all...Callie