Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pursue Life

There is a verse found in Matthew that has always caused a deep emotional response from me. I'll be honest in saying that the deep emotional response was anger, sometimes confusion and disappointment. (If Mother Teresa had doubts then so can I :)) It's found in Matthew 8: 21-22 and in the NASV it reads like this:

Another of the disciples said to Him (Jesus), "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father." But Jesus said to him, "Follow Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead."

I have often wondered what my response would have been if Jesus had said that to me. It breaks my heart ,even now, to think of not honoring my father's life once he passes as I love him so dearly and completely. I don't know if I would have continued physically following. You see, I have been known to, on occasion :), respond very impulsively in high emotion situations. I often choose to refuse to look for greater meaning in situations that "feel" extremely right or extremely wrong. I have struggled so greatly with this verse for so long. Today, I decided to hunt around for meaning and greater purpose beyond just the words and beyond the actions. I was struck when I read this verse in the message translation and have been brought to my knees by the beauty and depth of it all.

Another follower said, "Master, excuse me for a couple of days, please. I have my father's funeral to take care of."Jesus refused. "First things first. Your business is life, not death. Follow me. Pursue life."

I now understand something far beyond the emotion. God's business is to offer life...eternal life. If this seems elementary I apologize. But, in these verses I have begun to see the urgency of pursuing those who do not know of true life. It's all about the priority that we put on others..on their eternal lives. Sure, it puts eternity into perspective. It's still very hard to swallow. But, missing opportunities to share life with the living is an even greater tragedy. It was never about the decision between his father and Jesus (which I always, maybe naively, thought). It is about the value and priority of God's call and mission to seek and show salvation to those who don't know about it. I will pursue life.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hills and Belows

It was once written "You are the light of the world, A city on a hill cannot be hidden". For the last week I have been residing in the mountains of Tucson, AZ. I have been staying in a city literally built into a hill. The beauty of it all is breathtaking. The air is crisp, sharp and clean. It is true that nothing is hidden from view from where I stand. Anyone below could look up and see the glowing lights of this house. We are here on this hill with no place to hide. It's given me a great perspective on these words. It's shown me what it means to be exposed. But, that's not all.
Every morning when I drive down the mountain for coffee and every evening when I drive the kids back up from our fun activity of the day (I'm helping friends with their kids for a week of vacation) I notice something. We top this large hill on our way down or up and all of the sudden the entire city comes into view. My heart races each time we come to the pinnacle as I am literally overcome by the view. To see an entire city from your vantage point you realize how small you are and how vast the world really must be. If one city can make you feel so small imagine viewing the earth from the palm of your hand. I've realized something about a "city on a hill". Not only are you visible and unhidden you also have a clear view of what is below. They can all see you and you can see them.
A scary accountability comes with setting yourself on a hill. Not only do you allow yourself to be seen but you allow yourself to see all. You now see the pain and the beauty of a city. You will be held accountable to all you see and what you do about it. I can't just wish to be seen in this world. To stand for something and to be open about it isn't enough. To be seen and To See are now one in the same. Don't wish to be looked upon unless you wish to see. Don't wish to see unless you hope to act.