Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Unity fuels movements.

If you would have told me a year ago that today I would be working for the church I love and serving the community I live in...I would have only partly believed you. Not to say that I saw this career move coming in any shape or form because I absolutely did not. But, I know Rockford First's heartbeat is and always has been for people. It has now become my job to research, evaluate, and create solutions for the hurting and impoverished in this community. So, did I see it coming...absolutely not..but, can I see it any other way now..not a chance.

The Care Strategy is a People Focused, Faith-Centered, Community Engagement Plan that promotes virtue over values. It just launched at Rockford First about two weeks ago. The core of this movement comes out of a Christ-centered love for the community. The call is for the faith-community to unify, put aside any predisposed beliefs about the marginalized community and go into the areas hardest hit by poverty. The purpose is not only to go, but to act in compassion and love while we give out of our abundance. We want to give from whatever resources we have, whether it be time, talent, money or social capital. We have a passion to reach the lost and firmly believe that people often have a hard time asking for spiritual needs when there is a great, practical need going unmet. We feel the call to meet this part of our community at that exact crossroad. In essence, we would like to meet their physical needs in order to build a bridge to their spiritual needs. But, I feel like I've said all of this before. I really just wanted to give those of you who don't quite know about the mission of Care Strategy the chance to hear what I just said so you will understand why the next part is so monumental in our journey.
The job has just begun and we are already seeing momentum build. This past weekend was the first big volunteerism project we, as a Care Strategy team, got to be involved in. We had the opportunity to organize a group of volunteers to participate in a playground build, sponsored by Kaboom/Blue Cross and Blue Shield, for a local elementary school, Barbour Language Academy. CLOSE TO 100 VOLUNTEERS from the Care Strategy went to Barbour on Saturday, August, 28, and spent the majority of the day building an awesome playground for the students there. Not only was it rewarding to work alongside these amazing volunteers, but it was also encouraging to see what can be accomplished when a large group of people come together for one purpose. Unity truly is the fuel of great movements. I believe that principle rings true not only for the playground build but for the Care Strategy in general. When the faith community begins to see the need and act accordingly, and they are here in Rockford, we are going to see more and more change, not only in the community of Rockford, but also in the community of God. Thanks for being a part of this journey, thanks for the prayers, and thanks for reading this blog. My hope is it encourages movement in the body.

P.S. The photo does not depict only "Care Strategy" volunteers. This picture shows the entire body of volunteers from our community...how cool is that?!

Friday, August 20, 2010

My New Shirt, My New Way

I bought a new shirt a few weeks ago. I shouldn't have done it but, it was really cute and really on sale. So, I gave into the desire to splurge on this soft, airy, white, linen shirt. It had been quite a while since I had invested in a new piece of clothing that I really wanted. So, to me, this shirt felt like a little treasure.
This morning I awoke with one thing on my mind: I was customer of the week at Starbucks! Yes, I had the much coveted honor of receiving a free drink every day this week from my local Starbucks. So, I put on my new shirt, walked out with my great attitude and headed on my way to Mecca (Starbucks on Perryville). I arrived with a smile on my face and a song in heart. I ordered an Iced, Triple Grande, Nonfat, 2 pump Vanilla Caramel Macchiato. I began to drink and sank into the morning bliss that is coffee. I got to work so joyed with my morning thus far and as I unlocked my office door, to begin diligently working on my daily tasks, I looked down and saw it....Espresso was stained down the front of my treasured, soft, airy, white, linen shirt.

I stopped dead in my tracks and pouted, yes, I pouted. I went into my office and briefly toyed with the idea of just leaving it and taking care of it when I got home because I had a full day ahead. But then I realized a few things. I had worked hard to earn the money I used to buy this shirt. I also realized that my appearance, be what it may, is the first thing I give people as a representation of who I am. Now, my appearance isn't all I am but it's undeniably a part of me. So, I stopped it all and went to the closest bathroom, spent 10 minutes scrubbing, and got most of the stain out. My little treasure was bruised but not beaten.

I say all of this not to receive your sympathy or a truckload of gift cards for a new shirt, although both would be greatly appreciated :). (I kid) But, I say all of this because immediately upon arrival back to my desk I saw a correlation between my morning and my mission. My community is a little treasure of mine. The people in this community are the true treasures (paid for at the greatest price) and of the utmost value. If there is a stain on this community, be it poverty, injustice, lack of resource, it is my job as a investor in the community to stop what I'm doing and explore the solutions. I can't take care of it later because the longer a stain lies untouched the greater the lasting impression. It is an urgent moment in Rockford. There are stains on this community that have lain untouched for a long time and one way or another I've gotta find a way to make them less visible. I have to find a way to add hope, resource and justice..and maybe a little Tide :) and see how much of this I can scrub away. My little treasures deserve that. So, wash your clothes people, protect your valuables, and don't let the stains set in. I love you all and God Bless your journeys..I know He's blessing mine :).

P.S. (The other photo below relates to the following story: Yesterday we were able to take a donation of 6 boxes of children books and donate them to a local school that was in desperate needs...Look at the treasured teachers in this community..How could you not love them :)!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jump In

Diving into this year head first has been overwhelming. In a good way. I am learning each day that it is much less about the work and much more about people's lives. I am literally making a way into the lives of people in my community. It is scary...very scary. But, at the same time I can find no better way to do this than to just jump in..to go "all in".

Going "all in" is something I'm very familiar with. It's the way I'm wired up. I was never an ease into the pool kind of kid. :) I remember my dad always telling me "Callie, just jump in...it's scary but a lot easier to acclimate yourself that way". My dad was right. This year is about jumping in, getting involved, and taking a risk to be uncomfortable. My community is worth my lack of comfort. My community will be better b/c in the words of Jack Johnson "We are better together". :) (O yes..I quoted Jack Johnson)

I honestly believe that the community will be a better place when we start truly living as a unit. When we can focus on not just our needs but the needs of our neighbors and community members. When we can all just "jump in" and risk the rush of the "cold water". We have been called to that and I'm thankful we are listening to that call. The Care Strategy is offering support, mentorship, and CARE to a community that needs it. The structure it will add is going to be paramount!

Just know this: The strategizing is underway and more than the ideas I've been struck by the amount of love fueling this movement. Love is a catalyst that is constant, sustainable and not easily moved. I'm proud that love is a foundation of this project. We are going to move forward with purpose and structure, always keeping the main thing..the main thing. The main thing is people.

I leave you with this thought from my mentor: Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work. -Mother T

It's time Rockford..let's jump in!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vista Day: 1

I do believe that at this certain point in my life I am coming into contact with dreams I have hoped and prayers I have spoken. In essence I am watching things that I have prayed for and hoped for begin to unfold before me. To clarify, today I began my year long service term with the Americorp Vista Program. I am an official government volunteer. I could not be more honored to give my time to anything more worthy than the fight against poverty.

For seven years I have studied my faith and the faith of others. I have looked for the truth and have found that I believe in a much higher power. I have noticed peace and understanding flood in where anxiety and ignorance once lay dominant. I have seen inner healing replace a heart ravaged by disease. But, in the midst of all of this personal healing I have found that I have become a professional patient. It is time to look beyond myself and share life with those who lack opportunity.

I was once a occupant of a land that lacked opportunity and hope. I was a child present in a community of little resource and even less hope for a bright future. I believe that because someone chose to "see" me..to notice me and offer me an opportunity to move forward that I am who I have become. Opportunity acts as a bridge for some to become all they TRULY are inside. Lack of hope creates fear and quenches beauty inside of the human heart. I remember that feeling and my goal this year is to build a bridge for someone to cross as I once did myself.

In closing I just want to say thank you to all of the people who have made this year a possibility for me. Monty and Renee, thank you for your vision, passion, love of coffee, and most of all your passion for the hurting. Jeremy and all of the Rockford First Team, thank you for your trust and love of this community. Anna, Dustin, Zee, Brent, Justin (my Care Strategy "Friends" :) ) thank you for your inspiring lives and even more inspiring futures..they truly are bright (I'll be there for you, cause your there for me too ;) ) . To my Vista Volunteers, you have taught me more in one week about social justice and acceptance than I have ever learned in my life...it is invaluable and thank you will never be enough. And to my entire purpose I say "I owe my life to you".