Monday, August 9, 2010

Jump In

Diving into this year head first has been overwhelming. In a good way. I am learning each day that it is much less about the work and much more about people's lives. I am literally making a way into the lives of people in my community. It is scary...very scary. But, at the same time I can find no better way to do this than to just jump go "all in".

Going "all in" is something I'm very familiar with. It's the way I'm wired up. I was never an ease into the pool kind of kid. :) I remember my dad always telling me "Callie, just jump's scary but a lot easier to acclimate yourself that way". My dad was right. This year is about jumping in, getting involved, and taking a risk to be uncomfortable. My community is worth my lack of comfort. My community will be better b/c in the words of Jack Johnson "We are better together". :) (O yes..I quoted Jack Johnson)

I honestly believe that the community will be a better place when we start truly living as a unit. When we can focus on not just our needs but the needs of our neighbors and community members. When we can all just "jump in" and risk the rush of the "cold water". We have been called to that and I'm thankful we are listening to that call. The Care Strategy is offering support, mentorship, and CARE to a community that needs it. The structure it will add is going to be paramount!

Just know this: The strategizing is underway and more than the ideas I've been struck by the amount of love fueling this movement. Love is a catalyst that is constant, sustainable and not easily moved. I'm proud that love is a foundation of this project. We are going to move forward with purpose and structure, always keeping the main thing..the main thing. The main thing is people.

I leave you with this thought from my mentor: Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work. -Mother T

It's time Rockford..let's jump in!


  1. Love that quote Callie! We are all called to do great things, the challenge sometimes is to find out how to use our talents and strengths appropriately. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Much love to you and the crew!

  2. Angela! ...And the crew and I appreciate your "much love"! Hope all is well at your place of change :) LOVE
